Thank you for being here!

What an adventure this has been!

I’ve always had a passion for photography, I’d play with my parents Canon cameras and polaroids when I was young. I loved looking at our family albums my mother made, the photos were so real and authentic, frozen in time. Having grown up in a family with parents that loved photography that captured so many important moments, it’s given me the love for documenting those same moments.

One year, one of my best friends bought me a medium format camera, a Zenza BRONICA. Shooting medium format, I gained a whole new level of appreciation and knowledge for photography. Once I started shooting and posting photos from my BRONICA, people started asking me to take their photos, and it all snowballed from there!

I absolutely LOVE traveling, photography has given me such an amazing opportunity to meeting fascinating individuals, and experience breath taking places around the world. Being given the opportunity to photograph in Wyoming, to Iceland, and all the way to New Zealand, it has given me a whole new level of appreciation to take the time and stop, and take in the views of where you are NOW.

If I’m not behind the camera documenting someone or something, you’ll find me out trail running listening to a podcast, camping with my beautiful family away from cell service, or spending time with friends!

Thank you again for being here, I can’t wait to meet you and go on an ADVENTURE!